to keep all members informed

*Reminder* Re: New Member Applications

Worthy KonB Leaders and Members Worldwide,

This is just a reminder that all KonB applications are to be submitted for processing only by a Diocesan President, State Vice President, State President, National VP, National President, or International Officer.  New members should not be submitting their own applications to KonB International for processing.  This procedure is in place to ensure that new members are properly vetted/approved by the appropriate local KonB leadership.

If you are a KonB officer and would like to verify/update the names/email addresses of those aformentioned positions within your jurisdiction, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at

Thank you and God Bless!

KonB Administrator

EB Meeting Minutes from September 24, 2023

  • Meeting Called to Order
    • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President (IP) Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EDT
  • Opening Prayer
    • Offered by USA National President (NP-USA) Angelo Chiodo
    • Keep Brothers International Advocate Dennis Mailloux (IA) and Past International Vice President Jesus (Past IVP) in our prayers.
  • Roll Call of Officers
    • All Officers are present or accounted for.
  • Reading of the Minutes
    • Minutes of 30 July 23 read and accepted with no changes.
  • Unfinished Business
    • List of suspended members
      • National Presidents/Vice Presidents still workong through lists of their respective jurisdictions
  • New Business
    • IP Bob read a letter from Brother Jesus (Past IVP) in to include on the Record. The letter asked that the Executive Board give Brother James K. be full admin rights to KonB website. Brother Jesus stated he will continue to maintain the website.
    • Brother Jesus’s motion was seconded and passed with no objections.
    • NP-USA Angelo stated we were reaching the limits on emails, should we go through the site and purge those that are no longer of any use or should we pay the fee to expand. Approx $10.00.  He also stated that if someone states they are no longer a KonB member they should be removed from the email list.
    • Past USA Vice President (Past NVP-USA) Lawrence had nothing new to share, but did provide an update on Brother Jesus’s overall health.
    • Canadian National President (NP-Canada) Johnny V. asked if there were any issues with the splinter group at the Supreme Convention.  Florida State President (SP-FL) George stated that there were none.
    • USA Mountain Timezone Vice President (NVP/Mountain-USA)Judd reported he was reaching out to KonB New Mexico to help fix the issues in that state.
    • The 2025 International Rally is still a work in progress with dates and locations TBD.
  • Officers Reports
      • Brother George (SP-FL) reported that the Supreme convention which was held in Florida was a success and everything was great. In talking with the Supreme Secretary the Knights of Columbus is very pleased with the work being conducted by Knights on Bikes. He also noted that Knights of Columbus/Knights on Bikes members from the Philippines wanted vests like the ones worn in the United States.
      • Brother Johnny V (NP-Canada) stated that the Christmas in July held in Canada was very successful and they plan on holding the same event in 2024. He also stated that Canada held a rosary Sunday on 10th September and it was a better turn out than previous years and the plan is to continue with this event in 2024
      • Brother Brian R. (NVP/Central-USA) had nothing to report.
      • Brother Paul P. (NVP/Pacific-USA) had nothing to report at this time. He also stated there was no blowback from the event held at Dodger Stadium. And that members attended the Second Annual Day of Remembrance and everything was very Solemn at this event.
      • Brother Angelo (NP-USA) stated that everything is running smoothly and in the right directions.  He also stated that Brother James K. (KonB Administrator) is doing a great job as admin.
      • Brother George (SP-FL) stated he will start following up with people he received business cards and inquiries from at the Supreme Convention.
      • International Chaplain (IC) Father Sinclair reported that his diocese had held and Eucharistic Flotilla down the river with prayers at each stop it was very well attended.  He also stated that they will be attending the Nun Run on 7 Oct23. He also stated that individual states should consider holding a Eucharistic Procession.
  • Next Executive Board Meeting
    • TBA
  • Closing Prayer
    • Offered by IP Bob Bagley
  • Meeting Adjourned
    • By IP Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:45 EDT

EB Meeting Minutes from July 30, 2023

  • Meeting Called to Order
    • Executive Board Meeting called to order by IP Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EST
  • Opening Prayer
    • Offered by Father Sinclair
  • Roll Call of Officers
    • All Officers are present or accounted for.
  • Reading of the Minutes
    • Executive Board Meeting held in May were approved with no corrections and no objections.
    • The minutes from the meeting held in La Crosse, WI were read and approved with no objections or changes.
  • Unfinished Business
    • NP Angelo C stated we have members were suspended at the Jan 2023 who wished to return to KonB. The Board then reviewed all of the currently suspended one at a time:
      • H. Holloway-Ark- Remains Suspended
      • M. Huber-Ark-Remains Suspended
      • E. Bonilla-CA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P.
      • H. Cost-CA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P.
      • R. Kumar-CA- Remains Suspended
      • M. Sanchez-CA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • J. Airagah-Fla-TBD by ETZVP George M
      • A. Milot-Fla- Remains Suspended
      • T. Gant-Ga- TBD by ETZVP George M
      • P. Morton-Ga-Remains Suspended
      • A. Truax-Wash-Remains Suspended
      • B. Anderson-Idaho-Remains Suspended
        • Find out what is actually taking place in Idaho. Brother Mike possible New State President for Idaho.
      • G. Biedron-IL-TBD by CTZVP Brian R.
      • M. Kuzera-IL-Remains Suspended
      • S. Zalas Jr.-IL-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
        • There are also six members listed as inactive that CTZVP Brian wants to check on before making a decision on them.
      • P. Charvey-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • R. Clarke-Kansas-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • J. Hale-Kansas-TBD by CTZVP  Brian  R
      • S. Guyling-LA-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • D. Richardson-LA-Remains Suspended
      • R. Dupris-LA-Supports International and Founders. TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • F. Hall-Missouri-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • A. Vigil-ND-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • Robert Diaz-NM-Removed from KofC
      • R. Locke-NM-TBD by MTZVP Judd H.
      • E. Kirby-NM-Stays Suspended
      • J. Spade-OK-Stays Suspended
      • K. Fridenberg- Oregon-TBD by PTZVP Paul
      • M. Ecure-TN-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • S. Lopez-TX-Stays Suspended
      • J. Montalvo-TX-TBD by CTZVP Brian R.
      • C. Dominski-TX-TBD by CTZVP Brian R
      • J. McCannon-WA-TBD by WTZVP Paul P
      • D. O’Keefe-WA-Stays Suspended
      • T. Saha-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • C. Oldmixon-TX-Stays Suspended
      • L. Smith-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • G. Sparks-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • A. Corand-Stays Suspended
      • R. Guel-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • L. Bast-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • B. Fleming-Stays Suspended
      • M. Mateo-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • M. Perkins-WA-TBD by PTZVP Paul P
      • D. Toth- Stays Suspended
      • S. Steele-TX-Stays Suspended
    • Father Sinclair asked about the original suspensions and IP Bob B. explained what had taken place and why the suspensions were made.
  • New Business
    • None
  • Officers Reports
    • Father Sinclair stated that the Milwaukee Diocese did nothing during the Harley-Davidson birthday celebration. He stated it would have been a good time for both the diocese and Knights on Bikes to have a booth for people to find out about Knights on Bikes and the Milwaukee Diocese. He also stated that it might be a good idea if Knights on Bikes had a presence at some of the rallies that take place around the country.
    • Father Sinclair also reminded everyone about the Eucharistic conference that will be taking place he feels that it would be a good location for members of the Knights of Columbus and Knights on Bikes to get together and socialize.
    • National President Brother Angelo stated that the Presidents of Diocese are very important for everything that we do as Knights on Bikes.
    • International President Brother Bob Bagley told everyone that Long Ride Home will be aired on the 1st of September at 11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard time.
    • Brother Bob also stated everything seems to have calmed down within Knights on Bikes it was also mentioned that Knights on Bikes should see about setting up a booth at the next Supreme Convention.
    • Brother Bob also mentioned that the Rock Ride in Canada was a major success and that there is a possibility that the Knights of Columbus and Knights on Bikes may take it over.
    • Brother bob also stated that the bylaw review will take place during the September meeting.
  • Next Executive Board Meeting
    • Sunday Sept 24 2023 at 1900 EST.
  • Closing Prayer
    • Offered by Father Sinclair
  • Meeting Adjourned
    • By IP Bob “Ace” Bagley at 20:15 EST

REMINDER: Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update

This is a reminder about the Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update.  Please see below for the initial message.

Please see the email that was sent from  Emails were sent to the State President on record.  If you did not receive such an email, please reach out to

Thank you!


First off, a hearty thank you and congratulations to all Knights on Bikes officers that are leaving their positions.  Your service and dedication is much appreciated.

As the new fraternal year begins, it is imperative that we ensure accurate membership records so as to make certain that all KonB members, regardless of national or locale, are ‘in the know’ about KonB.  About a month ago, State Presidents on record received an email asking for the following information:

  1. Any changes or additions for members in your region (i.e. address, phone, email, etc.)
  2. An updated list of those fulfilling leadership positions (i.e. State President, State Vice President, Diocesan Presidents, etc.)

The initial deadline set forth for this information was July 15.  The deadline will be extended to August 1.  Please respond with the requested information, and any questions, to

Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update

First off, a hearty thank you and congratulations to all Knights on Bikes officers that are leaving their positions.  Your service and dedication is much appreciated.

As the new fraternal year begins, it is imperative that we ensure accurate membership records so as to make certain that all KonB members, regardless of national or locale, are ‘in the know’ about KonB.  About a month ago, State Presidents on record received an email asking for the following information:

  1. Any changes or additions for members in your region (i.e. address, phone, email, etc.)
  2. An updated list of those fulfilling leadership positions (i.e. State President, State Vice President, Diocesan Presidents, etc.)

The initial deadline set forth for this information was July 15.  The deadline will be extended to August 1.  Please respond with the requested information, and any questions, to

Minutes from the 2023 International Rally – June 7, 2023 LaCrosse, W

  • 11:00:  Meeting call to order by International President Robert Bagley.
    • Deacon Lawrence P. was appointed Chaplain and presented the Opening Prayer for the meeting.
  • 11:05:  A Roll Call of Deceased Members was read into the Record and a Moment of Silence and Prayer was held in their Honor.
  • 11:10:  The International Advocate held a roll call of the Executive Board Officers and all Officers were  present or accounted for.
  • 11:15:  Nominations for International President were opened. Incumbent President Robert Bagley was nominated to retain the position he currently holds.  No other nominations were made and nominations were closed.
  • 11:20:  As there were no further nominations Brother Michael L. made a motion to accept Brother Robert Bagley as International President by acclamation. Motion was seconded and the passed with no objections.
    • A motion was made that the International Vice Presidents be appointed by the international President. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation with no objections.
    • Following the vote on the motion the current National President Angelo C and the current Canadian National President John V were appointed to the positions of International Vice Presidents.
  • 11:25:   Due to health reasons Brother Jesus Chavez resigned from his position on the board. Brother Jesus was then presented with a plaque and other gifts to honor his many years of service.
  • 11:30:  The reports of Officers :
    • The Chaplain Lawrence P. reported all was good.
    • International President Bob Bagley stated that it’s been a rough couple of years but we need to continue to move forward this rally has been about healing, and keeping Christ in the rally. He also stated that we will welcome any of our Brothers back with open arms if they wish to rejoin Knights on Bikes.
    • Canadian National President John V stated that all is good in Canada. He also reminded everyone present that this is the last year of the R.O.C.K. Ride and that the Knights of Columbus may take over the running of the R.O.C.K. Ride and future years this is yet to be determined.
    • American National President Angelo C had nothing to report at this time.
    • The National Time Zone Vice Presidents stated that we need to continue to reach out to our Brothers to bring them back within the fold of Knights on Bikes. They also offered congratulations to our Brothers from the State of Florida for all the for all the good works that they have been doing.
    • Founder Brother Ray Medina stated that he was glad that he attended the rally in Lacrosse and had nothing to report at this time.
  • 11:45:  There was no Old Business to Discuss.
  • 11:50:   New Business:
    • A:  Approval of Bylaws by membership
      • 1: A motion was made to accept the Bylaws as presented to the membership. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation with no objections.
    • B: Meeting Location for 2025 Rally
      • 1. Avoid Holiday Weekends
      • 2. Try to hold after school is out.
      • The great States of Florida and Texas volunteered to hold to 2025 rally. After discussion by membership a motion was made for Florida to hold the rally the motion was seconded and passed following discussion.
  • 12:00: The Founders Award was presented to Brothers Lawrence Stewart and Jesus Chavez.
    • Distance awards went to Brother Gator and Brother Paul Padilla.
    • The dates for the 2025 rally will be determined and then passed on to the membership. Florida also stated that they want to keep the 2025 rally along the same lines as the 2023 rally incorporating religious sites and devotions within the rally.
  • 12:15:  His Eminence Cardinal Burke then met with Knights on Bikes and was made an Honorary member.  Following Cardinal Burke statements and photos with His Eminence.
  • The meeting closed and Brother Johnny V offered the closing prayer.

EB Meeting Notes from January 29th 2023

2000: Meeting called to order

2005: Opening Prayer offered by Father Sinclair

2010: roll call of officers conducted by Dennis Mailloux. All officers are present or accounted for.

2015: IP Bob Bagley discussed the agenda for the meeting.

2020: Brother Ray Medina talked about a trademarking of the Knights on Bikes Emblem. After providing all the necessary paperwork the filing of the trademark was completed with the federal government and was assigned a serial number. With the trademarking Brother Ray now has final say who can use the emblem and what it can be used for.

Brother Ray then stated that he would be taking back control of the patch ordering and would work with Ringold you continue to streamline the process.

It was stated that we can get a number of the patches from the English company if we wanted to leave Ringold. Brother Johnny V said that he thought we had an agreement with Ringold. Brother Lawrence stated that we do have an agreement with them and that has stayed the same all along. Brother Paul stated that Ringold also sells the Vatican flag patch if we would want to start wearing it also.

Brother Bob asked with Ray doing the patches should we leave our current supplier and look for a new one. Also orders for patches should still come into Brother Jesus and Brother Jesus can forward them to brother Raymond. Canadian orders should still go to Brother Dennis or Brother Johnny V.

Brother Ray stated that he would not send out orders until he has the money for the order in hand. Since we have an agreement / contract with Ringold we need to sit down with them and clarify who was able to order patches or create new items for KonB to be sold on the website if we continue to use them.

Brother Lawrence said he would contact Ringold and talk to Chris about who can change anything within the Knights on Bikes portion of the company. Brother Ray agrees with Brother Lawrence as to how we should handle things with Ringold. Brother Johnny V suggested that if we move away from our current company that we buy any KonB Overstock that they have on hand.

Brother Lawrence suggested that we let Ringold know that Brother Santa is no longer responsible for patch orders from Knights on Bikes. Also we should let them know by both email and letter of Our intention to take brother Santa out of the patch Loop.

Brother Bob made a motion to have Brother Lawrence to draft a letter requesting that Ringold cease and desist working with Brother Santa and work only with the Executive Board or the person appointed by the Executive Board. Brother Paul seconded the motion made, there was no debate and the motion was voted on and passed by the executive board.

It was decided to table the sending of the letter to Ringolde. Brother Lawrence will still call them and discuss with them that anything that they are doing for KonB at this time should be done through the Executive Board. At this time just notify them that brother Jesus will be taking over the ordering of patches.

Brother Lawrence is still to draft the letter for Ringolde and send it to the Executive Board for approval before the sent to anyone.

The next item that the board discussed was a list of members who don’t want to follow the current Bylaws and Executive Board, they also refuse to recognize that there are other countries who are part of Knights on Bikes. By refusing to follow the current rules and bylaws this represents a voluntary resignation on their part from Knights on Bikes.

The following is a list of those people who will no longer be members of K on B:

Mickey Huber, Mark Kuczera, Herb Holloway, Anthony Moore, Jim Spaeth, Bruce Hines, Eric Kirby, Doug Richardson, Steve Geiling, Jim Reinke, Bob Hall, Raj Rajput, Enrique Bonilla, Miguel Sanchez, Peter Morton, Andy Milot, Bret Fleming, Albert Truax, Chris Oldmixon, John Blackburn, Matt Kirby, Daniel O’Keefe, Bob “Santa” Anderson, and Russ Locke. 

These brothers will also be notified by mail by the end of the month as to why we consider them self quit or self-terminated. With the new trademark rules these gentlemen will be asked to return there K on B Patches.

Brother Ray ask the board what they thought of his Facebook post regarding the Branson Rally. All the feedback that he received from the board was positive.

Brother Bob received a call from Brother Angel stating that he and his members will do whatever is necessary to help alleviate the current issues within Knights on Bikes.

Brother Bob will have Brother Jesus write a letter to each member dismissed informing them of their voluntary withdrawal from K on B because of their violations of current KonB rules.

Brother Paul brought up the use of the term Godfather in regards to Brother Ray. He stated that he used the term for Brother Ray as a term of respect for Ray. He has never heard Brother Ray use the term in regards to himself.

It was also stated that is new members come in to join KonB they must continue to go through the interview and screening process prior to be accepted Within Knights on Bikes.

New members and current members will still need to follow the Bylaws and Rules of Knights on Bikes. This is a requirement if you wish to remain a member.

Brother Johnny V stated that Knights on Bikes Canada has been accepted properly by the Knights of Columbus of Canada and they will continue business as usual within Canada and will hold a meeting with Canadian members.

Brother Paul stated that Southern Cal will be holding a membership meeting on the 18th of February. Because of some of the divisions within KonB Brother Lawrence suggested that we’ll attending the meeting Brother Paul push for peace and unity within our organization.

Brother Angelo suggested that Brother Bob be invited to the meeting on 18th February.

The next item discussed was the 2023 International rally. We were told that there were a large number of cancellations because of the tension currently taking place within our organization.

What we discussed next was ideals for alternate sites where we can all get together in peace and harmony.

The Ark in Kentucky is fully booked for the rally week. EWTN in Alabama has nothing for kids or families to do while there. Michigan stated that they’re willing to hold a rally if requested to. Brother Lawrence said that the ride could be viewed as an event as opposed to a rally. Brother Paul suggested meeting in New Mexico. Brother Lawrence suggested possibly using Sturgis South Dakota. Brother Johnny V suggested doing two separate events one for the northern part of the country held in Michigan and one for the southern part of the country held in Dallas Texas. Brother Paul suggested doing a series of just State rallies.

It was then suggested that KonB meet for the Rally at The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It was also stated that we need to make sure we have priests with us. After some research and discussion a motion was made to hold the 2023 rally at The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse Wisconsin. It was seconded, there was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed.

The next thing discussed was the election of national officers. These elections would be for a national president, time zone vice presidents and a national advocate. There will be an email going out asking for nominations for these positions and elections once all nominations are in would be held in March. Elections would be held the last week of March and voting would be online. The national president and vice presidents would be responsible for monitoring the state elections.

Brother Bob Bagley stated that he will contact the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe about holding the rally there and will pass the information on to the membership.

The next meeting of the board will be February the 19th at 1730 Eastern Standard Time.

2330: A Closing Prayer was offered at this time and the meeting was ended.

Knights on Bikes (International) Rally 2023

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Due to the Evil that has taken place in our organization, there has to be a way to bring GOD back into our group and the Love of Brother and Healing.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe
June 5th through June 8th
5250 Justin Rd.
La Crosse, Wisconsin  54601
The Shrine has set up two full days for us, we will have Mass and Rosary each day, confessions, talks by Priests in their Crypt, lunch, Benediction, and Adoration. The day (each day) will Start at 9:00 AM and End at 5 pm. We will leave and have time for Dinner and rides.
On Wednesday the Shrine has set up a meet and greet for us with Cardinal Burke at 10:15 AM
Thursday will end at 9:30 AM and we are all welcome to go to the gift shop and bookstore each day.  We will post the entire agenda as we get closer to the event.
Hotel Information:  Gundersen Hotel
                               1520 Clinic Court
                               La Crosse, Wisconsin  54601
Block of rooms under Knights on Bikes
All Rooms are $109+tax.                                     Normally $179 to $199
Free Hot Breakfast,
Free coffee, soda and water 24/7
pool and fitness center
Reservations are now open, reserved your room by calling: 1-608-793-0200
We are looking forward to Healing and spending time with our Brothers.
God Bless