Knights on Bikes - Current Events/Notices

Knights on Bikes 2025 — International Rally

We are pleased to announce that per a unamimous vote by those in attendance at the 2023 International Rally, the 2025 Knights on Bikes International Rally will be held in the great state of Florida Details will be posted here once available.

News and Updates

Walter Winkle Appointed as International Advocate

Greeting KonB Brothers, We are pleased to announce that Brother Walter Winkle has been appointed to the position of International Advocate …

EB Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT. Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT. Opening Prayer …

Join Cardinal Burke on a 9 Month Novena

Please see the video from Cardinal Raymond Burke below. Click Here to join the movement and learn more.

Considerations when using KonB email addresses

Greetings Brother KonB, Recently, there has been some confusion regarding the use of email addresses that are used specifically for KonB …

EB Meeting Minutes from January 21, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST. Opening Prayer …

Guidance Regarding “Declaration Fiducia Supplicans”

Brother KonB, Below you will see thoughts regarding the recent Declaration Feducia Supplicans from KonB International President and Michigan State KofC …

EB Meeting Minutes from November 26, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST Opening Prayer …

*Reminder* Re: New Member Applications

Worthy KonB Leaders and Members Worldwide, This is just a reminder that all KonB applications are to be submitted for processing …

EB Meeting Minutes from September 24, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President (IP) Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EDT Opening …

Now Available: Current KonB International Bylaws

Greetings Brother Knights, The most recent copy of the KonB International Bylaws has been posted online.  These bylaws were voted and …

EB Meeting Minutes from July 30, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by IP Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EST Opening Prayer Offered …

REMINDER: Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update

This is a reminder about the Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update.  Please see below for the initial message. Please see …

Update of Deceased Members

Beginning at the 2021 International Rally in New Orleans, KonB began the tradition of honoring our deceased Bothers at each International …

Annual Member Verification and Leadership Update

First off, a hearty thank you and congratulations to all Knights on Bikes officers that are leaving their positions.  Your service …

Minutes from the 2023 International Rally – June 7, 2023 LaCrosse, W

11:00:  Meeting call to order by International President Robert Bagley. Deacon Lawrence P. was appointed Chaplain and presented the Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Notes from January 29th 2023

2000: Meeting called to order 2005: Opening Prayer offered by Father Sinclair 2010: roll call of officers conducted by Dennis Mailloux. …

Knights on Bikes (International) Rally 2023

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Due to the Evil that has taken place in our …

Knights on Bikes in Action

Knights on Bikes in Action Featured here a small collection of videos that show what KonB has done in the past …

Meeting Minutes

EB Meeting Minutes from May 19, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT. Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT. Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Minutes from January 21, 2024

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST. Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Minutes from November 26, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Minutes from September 24, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President (IP) Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EDT Opening …

EB Meeting Minutes from July 30, 2023

Meeting Called to Order Executive Board Meeting called to order by IP Bob “Ace” Bagley at 19:00 EST Opening Prayer Offered …

Minutes from the 2023 International Rally – June 7, 2023 LaCrosse, W

11:00:  Meeting call to order by International President Robert Bagley. Deacon Lawrence P. was appointed Chaplain and presented the Opening Prayer …

EB Meeting Notes from January 29th 2023

2000: Meeting called to order 2005: Opening Prayer offered by Father Sinclair 2010: roll call of officers conducted by Dennis Mailloux. …

Knights on Bikes in Action

Knights on Bikes in Action

Featured here a small collection of videos that show what KonB has done in the past and continues to do today.